How Much Does A Corporate Lawyer Make In Canada?

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In Canada, corporate lawyers are in high demand. Corporate lawyers specialize in business law and advise businesses on legal matters such as contracts, mergers, acquisitions, and other corporate issues. As such, corporate lawyers have the potential to earn significantly more than other lawyers. In order to understand how much a corporate lawyer can make in Canada, we must consider the various factors that influence their salary.

Factors Affecting Corporate Lawyer Salary in Canada

The salary of a corporate lawyer in Canada is determined by a variety of factors. These factors include the corporate lawyer’s location, education, experience, industry, and employer. Generally, corporate lawyers who are located in major cities such as Toronto, Vancouver, and Montreal will earn more than those located in smaller cities or rural areas. Furthermore, corporate lawyers who have higher levels of education and experience will also earn more than those who do not.

The Average Salary of a Corporate Lawyer in Canada

According to a recent survey, the average salary of a corporate lawyer in Canada is $98,500 per year. This figure is based on a variety of factors, including location, experience, and industry. Generally, corporate lawyers in major cities will earn more than those in smaller cities or rural areas, and those with more experience will earn more than those with less. Additionally, corporate lawyers who specialize in certain industries such as technology, finance, and healthcare can earn significantly more than those who work in other industries.

Salary by Province

Salaries for corporate lawyers may vary significantly depending on the province in which they work. Generally, corporate lawyers in Ontario tend to earn the most, with an average salary of $107,500 per year. Corporate lawyers in Alberta, on the other hand, tend to earn less, with an average salary of $92,000 per year. Corporate lawyers in British Columbia, Quebec, and Manitoba also tend to earn less than those in Ontario, with average salaries of $90,000, $85,500, and $78,500 respectively.

Salary by Industry

The industry in which a corporate lawyer works may also affect their salary. Corporate lawyers who specialize in finance tend to earn the most, with an average salary of $128,000 per year. Corporate lawyers who specialize in technology, on the other hand, tend to earn less, with an average salary of $90,000 per year. Corporate lawyers who specialize in healthcare and real estate also tend to earn less than those who specialize in finance, with average salaries of $86,000 and $83,000 respectively.


In conclusion, the salary of a corporate lawyer in Canada is determined by a variety of factors, including location, experience, education, industry, and employer. Generally, corporate lawyers in major cities such as Toronto, Vancouver, and Montreal tend to earn more than those in smaller cities or rural areas, and those with more experience tend to earn more than those with less. Additionally, corporate lawyers who specialize in certain industries such as finance and technology can earn significantly more than those who work in other industries. Ultimately, the average salary of a corporate lawyer in Canada is $98,500 per year.

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